It is 3 towns in one: the new town with hotels, Fès el Jedid, built in the XIII century by the Mérinides, and Fès el Bali, built in the IX century. Workmanship is still the economical motor of the city. In the Medina one cannot resist the magical charm of the incomparable atmosphere of the gigantic bazaar.  

Discovered at the end of the XIX century, by French archeologist, who have found a roman town with its main monuments. 


Celebration for the date, around October the 20th. It varies with the moon. 


From the top of the highest dune (150m), you can see the rocky mountains on Algeria.  


It is from Rissani that originates the actual royal dynasty. Rissani smells like the desert with its ancient alleys, covered with bamboo. 


The sign "Tombouctou 52 jours": Tombouctou 52 days, is the sign the most photographed in the region. 


Garrison town without any charm, except the superb kasbah of Taourirt. The town was constructed in 1928, looks like empty barracks, totally rebuilt in order to make some room in Marrakech from the tourist's invasion.  

Er Rachidia

Military town, used as campground for the French Foreign Legion. It was totally built at the beginning of the century, on a line of communication between southern roads, using a checkerwork, taking away all the charm. 

Spring of Meski

Or the blue spring, because it was at that place that the "blue men of the desert" stopped by. The concrete basin was constructed by the legion. Do not drink the water. 


It is the hart of Morocco. Marrakech, Morocco, the name of the country comes from there. You can see: 

The square Jemaa el Fna: In memory of the time where criminals where executed. It is today the area the most lively of the town. 

The dyer's souk: Display of fabrics and wool threw the town. 

The saadiens graves: The entrance to those graves where walled up and it is only in1917 that there where rediscovered. 

The Majorelle garden: It is custom to get there on a horse-drawn carriage. Rebought by Yves Saint-Laurent, this garden has refound his old beauty (entry fee).