The "Graoully Meeting"

11 - 13 June 1999



The first meeting place was in Metz
with about 50 guys from Kent.

    For the first time  "le Pav", who now lives in Switzerland, comes as a "trailer rider".

    Now, this is a good way to stay in shape! Right?
It is easy to understand the reason why some guys do prefer sporsters!

The dealer in Metz: Milwaukee Twin

    Without noticing it, we have been watched by Snow White and the 7 dwarfs!

Then we had lunch in a wonderful place.

We eat, have fun and eat again, and have fun again... What a life!

The unforgettable "family" picture at the end of the meal.

If you do not see every body there, it is because some of the guys are having a nap!
For some reason, I always thought that the "siesta" was typical from the South!


The land...

... the girl!


The site


Erik, Paul and some friends from Kent.

(Erik, is the short guy, in front...
Actually, he is not of "small size", he is
just on his knees. No idea why!!!)


The games!!!

Oups! mist!!!

Mist again!

That's it!!!...  Well done Jean!


Admire the concentration

Jean's face


 "le Pav"
Now, this is style...

Well,  almost!

Who had this idea? 
A straw in a bottle!!!

Even the moped broke dawn, so he
had to push it to cross the finish line.


Tire throwing.
You have to admit that we have "style" in this Chapter

Careful to the bungy cord!
(must hurt...)


Need a hand?

It was hard to get that last beer!


A night full of surprises...

Vic (on the left hand) improvises a show
with a few bikers. Now, that was fun!.

Roger of Alsace
Chapter France

Daniel and Phido are charmed by "F.", but "le Pav",  imperturbable, only has eyes for his wife...

Daniel latter on in the evening... The music was to load!

Jean, him, is more discrete!


Chapters of Paris Nord, Sun South Coast Nice, Alsace, Lorraine, Mirabelle Valleys

OH! I nearly forgot: 

Erik gave the trophy to the losers (us, this time!).

Phido is so proud of it that he does not want anybody to see it... Just in case some one would like to steal it from us!



Bog's speedometer went over the 100,000.00 Km


After all that "hard work", we went 
to Luxembourg to relax in a Spa, 
managed by a member of the
Lorraine Chapter France.

What a good looking team !!!


Texte and photos: Bog      

P.S. Many thanks to Erik for his hospitalité.